So the fact that it just keeps coming up is really making me see the need, once again, to speak up and get the word out. And I really want to start up this blog again. I'll probably be cleaning it up and uncluttering it soon. My original purpose for this blog was just to write out my own experiences, and then have all of the links I found regarding Mercy in one place for myself. But my purpose has changed, and I will be expanding the subject matter as well.
My intention is to restart this as a blog on various issues I feel strongly about. Some major ones: Mercy Ministries (of course), self-injury awareness, mental illness awareness, and possibly child abuse (emotional in particular) but I'm unsure how much I want to share on a public blog that people who know me and my family could potentially see.
I'm not sure when I'll start writing again, it may not be for a while, so if I disappear again, it's probably because I've just gotten caught up in schoolwork and all the other things in my life. Schoolwork has to come first, but I'm hoping in the time leftover I will have time to write.
It's good to be back =)